The adventure of the student rep for the CPRS

The hours before my first board meeting with the CRPS Hamilton were filled with heart pounding laps around my apartment. I was trying to think of talking points to make myself sound professional and like I knew what I was talking about. Of course I had no idea what to expect. I had email notes from Ginny Jones, president of the CPRS Hamilton and an agenda for the night, none of which I really understood 100%.

Leaving a few hours early I walked around Shoppers Drug Mart in circles until a employee asked me "can I help you find something?" - Finally I bought a notebook and a pen and I was on my way.

Arriving to the meeting with sweaty palms and dressed up I didn't know what to expect. Silently I sat down and waited for the student liaison to arrive, I needed a familiar face. Thankfully there was pizza! I thought about eating the whole meeting so I wouldn't have to say a word - I didn't. Instead I smiled and nodded at everything someone had said, and made sure to introduce myself to everyone who came in the room.

A few minutes into the meeting was a great success. Ginny asked everyone to introduce themselves and their role with the CPRS. I gave my introduction and off we went. 

Before I knew it the night was over and I was on my way home. How silly did I feel? Very. Was it that scary? No. Was everyone extremely nice? Definitely! I couldn't be more excited to get going on planning the student event for my classmates. I couldn't wait for the following month so I could attend a second meeting!! 

Sadie Wolfe, student liaison, Marcy McMillian, Sheridan student rep and I spent the following weeks planning an event for our classmates on networking and online branding. We thought of talking points, venue ideas, and of course a theme. It felt great to apply my knowledge from the classroom to a real life event, and to be able to share this event with fellow students! 

Fast forward a month... and it's here! November 14th, 2013 the night of our event. The Mohawk student committee and I arrived at Williams coffee house in Burlington eager to get started. As the students started pouring in I was ready to go! 

The event was a huge success! There was no awkward pauses, students were excited, and there was even free cookies!! What a great networking opportunity for us all. A great way to get started on our lives as professional communicators. 

Now the end of the semester is upon us, though I have this position for the year I am sad to see the Public Relations program at Mohawk College fly by. 

I have learned the importance of networking, of putting yourself out there. I would recommend to any future student to apply to be the student rep for your year. Sitting on a board with a professional organization gave me the chance to meet professional communicators in Hamilton, it gave me the chance to understand what my career will involve, and most importantly it was something to add to my resume to make me stand out from other students. 

I am excited to see what semester two will bring, I am excited to plan our second student event and I am excited to start my career after graduation! 
