Benefits of Online Fundraisers

Holding a fundraising campaign can be a positive experience for organizations to both receive donations and gain exposure to their target audiences. Online fundraisers can be a useful tool in raising donations for nonprofit organizations as they are cost effective and can be cross promoted through multiple social media platforms.

Benefits of online fundraisers:
  • Self-sufficientà an organization won’t need to worry about organization an external fundraiser or relying on uncontrollable factors (weather, resources, timing, costs)
  • Time periodà the fundraiser can be run over a period of weeks or days to receive the maximum amount and exposure.
  • Cost effectiveà since the fundraiser is held online there is no cost to the organization and promotion can be done online.
  • Updated trackingà by using an online platform the organization can track the amount of funds raised each day as well as the number of visitors the fundraiser and organization web site receives.

Downside of online fundraisers:
  •  Lack of face-to-face interaction with the target audience.
  • No guarantee that there will be awareness of the online fundraiser.
  • Most online fundraiser host sites require a percentage of the funds raised.
  • Requires the target audience to have access to the internet and understanding of how online donations work.
  • Time delay in receiving the donations.

Recently I was part of an online fundraiser for Wesley Urban Ministries and we used the Indigo platform and here are some facts about this method.
  • Creating a fundraiser can take less thank 60 seconds.
  • Receive 20% back in Indigo credit or 15% back in the form of a cheque. 
  • Receive direct donations.
  • Invite multiple team members to host the fundraiser.
  • Easily share the fundraiser page with friends, family and your community.
  • There are no fees  for fundraisers and you can withdraw your funds at any time.

Overall hosting an online fundraiser can be a useful tool for nonprofit organizations to raise funds and gain exposure for their cause.
