How I realized PR is everywhere

PR is EVERYWHERE, in every aspect of our life.
 I didn’t realize how much Public Relations I was already doing on a personal level, in my relationships, at my job when talking to customers and for my own business. It wasn’t until we began discussing all the facets of PR, especially how it affects our communication with people that I realized on some level, there has been PR in all my relationships.
            Here are some examples that show how the PR I’m learning in class is taking place in unexpected places to:

  • My business: building relationships, rapport, gaining trust and keeping communication going on a personal and business level. 
  •  Personal relationships (Friends/Family/ Colleagues/Acquaintances): reaching out and finding those connections is a part of PR and building those connections past just work. Its important that those relationships aren’t only used when its business favor but knowing what’s going on in your contact/friend’s life can be handy in ways one would not expect. 
  • School Assignments: Times where I have worked with new people on projects I have never done demanded its own effort of PR for our interactions. Past the assignment being PR base, its important to be able to work well and communicate with the people in the group.

 I never saw any of these as using Public Relations. To me it was just interacting and communicating how and when it was needed. After being in the Public Relations program these past few months though I have come to realize that a lot of what I ‘m learning, the human element, my idea of right and wrong, and even my communication with people around me.

The physical paperwork and assignments is only part of what Public Relations is, and it would not be very successful at all if it wasn’t for the human interactions I have daily.
The personal moral compass I have created, that plays into my code of ethics and what I will consider right or wrong in situations that come up as I work in PR.
Concerned about a friend or need to touch base/ follow up on a conversation we had? I better get used to that since there is a lot of following up or checking in with PR work on the go as well.

The big one? Social Media. It is a regular multiple time a day occurrence in my personal life. Now these abilities and familiarity with posts, hashtags, followers, trends and the latest news are an even bigger component with PR.

It all seems obvious as I look back now. It also means that a lot of what I’m doing in PR feels more familiar than I expected and what I thought would be the harder parts, are the easiest. I’ve been taking PR actions personally for years and never knew it. Realizing this makes me feel more confident heading in the PR direction.
