Visiting National Public Relations

Last week, my fellow classmates and I headed to Toronto for our agency field trip. We had three stops on our tour, visiting three different public relations agencies. All the agencies we visited provided a lot of information and unique perspectives of what work in the field may look like. One agency stood out to me and impressed me the most out of all. That agency was National Public Relations on Front Street in Downtown Toronto.

First of all, WOW – what a beautiful office and view National PR has! With magnificent views of the Rogers Centre, CN Tower, Lake Ontario and surrounding buildings, how could one not want to work there? The office had such a nice and inviting feel that made me excited to one day work in a place like National. After everyone got settled into the boardroom, we were introduced to the representatives that were going to share with us what National Public Relations does and give us a glimpse into their positions, as well.

It was interesting to see that the four representatives that talked to us came from somewhat different educational backgrounds and interests to one another, but all ended up together working in public relations at National. Their jobs varied from Coordinator of Corporate and Public Affairs to Marketing Associate. One unique part of their presentation was having them detail what a typical day on the job for them at National looks like. They each provided a screenshot of a particular day’s schedule and everything they have booked. Some of those tasks range from coffee and emails to meetings with a client and/or partner. We learned that each day is different, with some days being good and other days being not so good. Nonetheless, they all agreed that they enjoy their jobs and the kinds of exciting work and tasks that are handed to them!

I really enjoyed our class agency field trip. It provided an inside look at what various jobs in public relations look like and what some of us in the class may get up to in the near future. I believe it is extremely important to do as much research as you can on something you plan on spending a big chunk of your life doing to ensure that it is the right decision. This field trip certainly provided me with the necessary information I need to move forward with a career in public relations!


