Public Relations and Social Change

Last Thursday, members of our class attended the IABC Gift of Communication at the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club. I worked as a writer to cover the event, alongside a photographer to take pictures and videos. The event revolved around local organizations that provide social services, each one facing several problems with their communications. An IABC member would help the representatives find solutions to these problems, with the help of suggestions from Mohawk PR students.

Like many people, I used to think of Public Relations work as being limited to corporations and firms. However, my studies at Mohawk have shown me that everyone can benefit from PR expertise. Small businesses and not-for-profit organizations need this kind of knowledge just as much as any corporation.

In this way, the IABC Gift of Communication demonstrates how Public Relations l can create meaningful social change. Each of the five agencies that participated in the event provide a valuable service to their community, and with the help of the IABC’s Golden Horseshoe chapter, they can learn how to raise awareness and expand their services even further.
