The benefits of blogging in the PR industry

After finishing up our blogging assignment, I realized how blogging can benefit us in public relations. Blogging allows you to express your opinions, share your knowledge and build an online portfolio. The following 3 are the most beneficial for anyone in public relations...

1. Refine Your Writing Skills

If you have a personal blog or are running a blog for a company or organization, you know you have to write almost everyday to keep people interested. Writing this much will only help you improve your writing skills and knowledge. Writing is the most important asset to any professional communicator. Not only are you writing all the time while blogging, you are constantly proof reading and even getting feedback from readers that can improve your writing.

2. Build Your Professional Network

After our agency field trip and listening to guest speakers I noticed one thing that always comes's important to network and meet people in the public relations industry. Blogging is a community based platform that helps you build your network and engage with people around the world. You never know who could come across your blog and connect with you. It could be a future co-worker or boss.

3. Make A Difference

Making a difference and building awareness is one of the main objectives for any public relations professional. A blog can be a great way to do this; you can post about social causes, political issues and environmental concerns. Doing this on a blog is a great way to start and gain experience for future jobs and opportunities.

Overall, if you are thinking are going into communications or public relations...start blogging!


  1. I am in the middle of finishing up my blogging assignment for the PR program at Mohawk. It's strange to me how blogging can become such an important part of a public relations practitioner’s life. I used to use the blogging site Tumblr and loved it because it was mostly just photos you could re-blog. I enjoyed the simpleness of blogging and following others who had a similar aesthetic to mine. Now after trying to do this assignment I would have to say blogging is so much more that just pretty pictures and can be very useful as a portfolio or a way of networking with others in their industry. I think I still have a lot to learn about how to be a proficient blogger.


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