The Impact of the Pandemic on Fundraising


The pandemic has made it tough for many organizations to hold fundraisers and raise money due to the restrictions on social gatherings. In my Organizational Applications class, we are organizing a fundraiser that could possibly take place for a not-for-profit organization who we have been working with throughout the semester. The dynamic of the fundraiser is different because we have to consider so many rules when planning out the event. Creating a co-vid friendly event was tough, but we managed to figure it out. The main challenge for us was thinking of a creative way to get people excited about fundraising. We had to keep in mind that we cannot have large gatherings and that this fundraiser must involve social distancing and the proper protective equipment to keep everyone safe. After snowballing ideas, we came up with the idea of doing “The Amazing Race” – a fundraiser where people have to “race” around the town and find clues that will lead them to a prize at the end.  


 Our clients absolutely loved this idea because it allows families to remain socially distanced while having fun and being interactive with the community. We got the idea from the TV show, “The Amazing Race,” where teams have to race against each other in competition for a final prize. My team really wanted to focus on engaging the community while still following rules and having restrictions in place. I think that this idea encourages the community to support the organization, and it shows that the organization is still keeping the community’s best interest in mind. 

I will list some tips for fundraising during the pandemic: 

1.     Maintain meaningful relationships with your community. It is important to keep the community engaged so that you do not lose them. 

2.     Use alternate ways to host events. You do not need a crowd of 300 people to host an event! Try using technology or social distancing at events with a limited number of people. 

3.     Send out thank you cards after the event. We are all going through hard times, so it is important to thank people for their continuous support during the pandemic. 

4.     Set a reasonable budget! 

Hosting an interactive event is still possible, it just looks different now. Keep these tips in mind for next time! 
