Tips for Gaining a Good Experience as a Mentee

It's a new season, which means it's time to set new goals and find new solutions to support you in achieving your career and personal development. I generally start this process with doing a career goals gap analysis and from there, I create a plan on how to fill these gaps. In this situation, a mentor can be very integral in determining how to implement your plans.

Being a part of a mentorship program requires discipline hence, taking a chance on this opportunity is something that doesn't always come easy, with the fact that we have to also balance our personal commitments. However, I thought this would be a great way to get guidance regarding setting my objectives, tracking my career and staying focus on my personal and professional goals. I am aware that the process can be daunting and overwhelming for some mentees in the program, especially those that are participating for the first time, like myself. So, I've created a few tips from my first interactive CPRS mentorship orientation, to help you understand the program and how to make sure you get the best from the experience.

I hope you find it helpful in your journey:
  • Set up clear goals for your mentoring relationship. Don't hold back. If you want to achieve something in your career, you should do your absolute best to get there. Your mentor should be there to coach you along the way, so make sure you are able to define your goals clearly.
  • Be open to constructive feedback.
  • Be open to the possibilities that the relationship will bring so that you can capitalize on the optimal value of this journey.

  • Find a way to add value to the relationship. Mentoring is a two-way street and you can also help your mentor to grow.
  • Contact your mentor to try and strengthen the relationship as much as you can. Don't be afraid to ask for help and be willing to voice your concerns or doubts. Asking for what you want is key.
  • Challenge yourself and your mentor. You only get what you put in the relationship. This is a very important factor.
  • Be proactive and make the most out of your mentorship.
The ultimate aim of a mentorship experience is to attain value, and the amount of growth and knowledge you can achieve will depend on varying factors. However, this journey can be a success if you are willing to commit yourself to the program and exercises.

I am committed and hope you are too.

Good luck!
