Students in the Public Relations Graduate Certificate program are in the final stages of preparation for completing their major program project. Three student teams have been working with three local not-for-profit agencies for the past month, preparing communications plans that will help each agency address a specific need.
This year's clients are the Lung Assocation (McMaster Region), the Heart & Stroke Foundation (Hamilton Region), and the St. Joseph's Immigrant Women's Centre.
This year's clients are the Lung Assocation (McMaster Region), the Heart & Stroke Foundation (Hamilton Region), and the St. Joseph's Immigrant Women's Centre.
Team Lung Association
Tees Up Plan
Tees Up Plan
Working with the area office (Hamilton, Simcoe, Brant, Niagara, Waterloo) of the Lung Association, this team is developing a communications plan, along with supporting creative pieces, to increase local awareness of the Phyllis Gretzky Memorial Golf Tournament held on June 15, 2011. This tournament is held at Willow Valley Golf Club in Mount Hope and is in memory of Wayne Gretzky’s mother, who passed away from lung disease. This is the fifth year for the tournament.
Team Heart & Stroke Pumping Up Support
Working with the Hamilton office of the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, this team is developing a communications plan, along with supporting creative pieces, to assist in volunteer recruitment. The Hamilton office would like to build a strong volunteer base of community members across Hamilton and surrounding area, while focusing on developing volunteer groups within local post secondary schools.
Team Immigrant Women's Centre Building Community
Working with the St. Joseph's Immigrant Women’s Centre, this team is developing a communications plan, along with supporting creative pieces, to increase local awareness and support of the intentions and objectives of the Montcalm Community House focusing on the surrounding neighbourhood, and the community at large.
Events draw attention to the cause
In addition to developing the communications strategy, each team has planned and executed a special event on behalf of their client. The event was designed to support the overall communications objectives of their plans.
The Finale
Each team will present their plans to their clients in a large client presentation event on April 12. The plans will be presented as part of the Campaign Presentation class. They will be evaluated by PR industry professionals from the Hamilton area.
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